Saturday, February 28, 2015


Evergreen rocks Odyssey of the Mind

Sam's Odyssey of the Mind team placed second out of six teams for their problem in Division II (middle school) at the regional competition today. They will go on to the state competition in Boone on April 11. Two other teams from Evergreen competed in Division I (3rd-5th graders) and placed 1st and 3rd.

His team tackled a problem titled "Silent Movie" Here's a synopsis:
Lights, camera...action! In this problem teams will create and present a performance depicting a Director character that produces and presents a silent movie featuring a humorous villain character that commits three silly acts of “villainy”. Characters that are in the movie may not speak as part of the presentation of the movie. Instead, like classic silent films, the team will use music played on a team-created instrument and creatively displayed subtitles to convey its story to the audience and judges. Also, teams will use a signal to indicate when the movie begins and ends.

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