Sunday, July 13, 2008
Trail guide
Last week Sam attended half-day camp at the Hemlock Bluffs Nature Preserve. The theme was Animal Olympics. Each day they discussed the different ways animals move - walking, crawling, hopping, slithering, etc.
After some indoor activities the class would go for a nature walk with Ms. Jo, their superb teacher. One of regular resident on their walk was a pair of copperhead snakes that live in a drain pipe under the patio. They saw lots of other wildlife like frogs, toads, skinks, spiders and a deer.
This morning Sam led us (along with Ms. Lynn who is visiting from Atlanta) on a guided tour. He showed us the snakes, birds nest mushrooms and turkey tail mushrooms from his classes. He also took lots and lots of pictures, including the copperhead above, this parasol mushroom and the group shot below.
To top it all off we took Lynn for her annual visit to Goodberry's for an afternoon treat.