Friday, September 07, 2007
first day of school - '07-'08
Sam's started his second year at Heartwood Montessori on Tuesday. He's now in the Extended Day/Kindergarten group in the afternoon with 'the big kids'. So he wanted his picture by the blue lunch box cart since it is separate from the little kids. He's also carrying a collection of toilet paper rolls he'd been saving for the class gerbil - El Raton.
The week has been off to a good start. The added excitement is that I am one of the assistant teachers for his extended day group. They are a fun bunch. I've also been teaching Tues/Thurs mornings at the community college. Right now it is a group of folks over 55 who want to get up to speed with the computer age.
Mame's half way through her neuro rotation here at Wake Med Raleigh and she's enjoying it overall. Fridays are class day and so far the lectures have been tolerable. We figure the more we all cram in this last year of anesthesia school the quicker it will pass.