Monday, March 19, 2007
Back at the ranch
It has been an eventful few weeks for the Flemings. Two weeks ago Mame got a break (two days for spring break) and we headed south. On the way to Mt. Pleasant we connected with some folks from the Lumber River Canoe Club for a day trip on the Lumber. It was a beautiful but blustery early spring day. We enjoyed the company and they tolerated a 4.5 year old companion fairly well.
Sam then spent the rest of the week in Mt. Pleasant with Grandma Maxine and Grandpa Glenn so that I could teach and Mame could get back to work on her studies. I returned to Mt. Pleasant on Thursday in time to head to the airport to collect the Durango Gals - GiGi (Sam's greatgrandmother) and Aunt Reba. We had a nice visit and returned to Cary on Sunday evening to try and get back into our routine.
Monday morning's return to Heartwood Montessori was fun. Sam was greeted like a rock star by his classmates. On Wednesday we returned to Crowder District Park for another nature class, this time on soil. When the ranger asked if anyone had a compost pile, Sam was the only one to raise his hand. But the highlight for him was getting to eat 'soil' (chocolate pudding soil, covered with graham cracker sand and topped with gummy worms). This weekend we stayed close to home and enjoyed some St. Patrick Day gatherings and time around the house.