Friday, October 27, 2006
RSNA: phase two
It's been a tough week for our favorite SRNA (student registered nurse anesthetist) with the start of clinicals. It started Tuesday night with preparing care plans for the patients she would be seeing on Wednesday and a call to the CRNA (certified registered nurse anesthetist) she would be working with the following day. Then she was up and out the door well before the crack of dawn (i.e. about 5 a.m.) in order to get a head start at the hospital and have a chance to get herself oriented to the environment and have the cart prepared for the first case of the day. To top it off Mame was assigned to a single day surgery setting with several patients a day in a rapid succession - and also the facility in the system with a reputation for having the more 'challenging' personalities to work with. This process - late nights and early mornings - was repeated until today. She crammed a lot into the last three days including starting an arterial line (with success on the first try) and practice at intubating patients on limited sleep. But the best discovery was the coffee maker in the break room that makes individual cups of yummy coffee. Fortunately, we got to cap the week with dinner out and childcare provided by the folks at Heartwood (a special thanks to Grandma Maxine for date night funds).