Friday, March 29, 2019
The Diamond Heels
Took the field tonight for the first game of the season.
Wednesday, March 27, 2019
ALF 2019
Thursday, March 21, 2019
Asheville Pinball Museum
Took advantage of a teacher work day to get in ahead of the crowds.
Operation Snowshoe
In February the Woodchuck Patrol from Pack 177 attended the 31st annual Operation Snowshoe at Camp Daniel Boone. The weekend event is for older cub scouts to practice skills and compete against other scouts from the district. The Woodchucks did great with fire building, a team building/shelter building challenge, the obstacle course and knots. The best part was that they came away with a first place ribbon in patrol spirit - a measure of their work as a team and their good sportsmanship.
One step closer
To driving independence. Sam got his level 2 license in January that allows him to drive unsupervised during the day. Full independence is on the horizon in July.