Wednesday, June 25, 2014


Coastal living

Sam returned for a second year of rock camp at the Hungry Monk,

got lessons in caning a chair,

made a trip out Shem Creek and watched a lot of the World Cup. He even survived having his brothers come to visit for a couple of days.

Sunday, June 22, 2014


Recital 2014

Sam plays "Persistent Rhythm"

Friday, June 20, 2014


The craftsmen

Working on the summer chair project

Monday, June 16, 2014


On to kindergarten

Ford & Jack at the year end celebration for Magic Attic. Ford received the Superstar Musician Award for "his enthusiastic participation in Music Together and his joy in making music anywhere." Jack was recognized with The High Gear Puppeteer Award, "for his spirited and imaginative puppet performances and his fervent recruiting of audiences."

We will be forever grateful to their wonderful teachers Ms. Jen and Ms. Karis. It was a wonderful 2 years.

Next stop - kindergarten at Evergreen!

Tuesday, June 10, 2014


A very busy month of May

It was a busy month with celebrating 5th birthdays (with a train party on the Craggy Mountain Line at the end of April), Sam's end of the year class camp out at Joyce Kilmer (where he lead a successful workshop on bog turtle conservation), a Mother's Day canoe trip on the French Broad, Memorial Day weekend camping in the Smokies, and a final water day to wrap-up the preschool experience. To top it all off Sam wrapped up his soccer season with try outs for the fall.

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