Monday, July 30, 2012


Fordo - the missing Marx Brother

Wednesday, July 25, 2012


Early Birthday

Uno the dog is finally a reality. Sam received his tenth birthday present today at the Asheville Humane Society when the adoption was sealed.

He started talking about "Uno" before his brothers were born. The family agreement was no dog until the potty training process was done. That day arrived this summer.

Uno - formerly Cheryl - was found near the Arboretum & went unclaimed at the pound before being moved to the shelter for adoption.

Happy Birthday Sam

Friday, July 20, 2012


Asheville natives

Getting the restless out at the drum circle.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012


Swimmer boys

Week 3 of lessons and they are making great progress on the swim, float, swim sequence. (Ford is in the pool)

Thursday, July 12, 2012


Train spotters

Good timing coming out of the White Duck Taco Shop. (thanks for lunch Grandma Maxine)

Tuesday, July 10, 2012


The last Tallahassee tie

Our last, physical tie to Tallahassee is gone. Our little house on Jackson Street sold at the end of June to a young, recently married couple - like us and the folks that we bought the house from.

Good memories of Sam's first years and the base for a lot of great canoe trips.

Monday, July 02, 2012


Plumtree camping

Rested up with a week at home after the trip to the coast we pointed north for a week of camping in Plumtree, NC. We stayed in the campground of the Vance Toe River Lodge. The hammock was a very popular spot.

Along the way we enjoyed a visit from Dandy and Granddad Frank, trout fishing, a visit to Linville Caverns, a hike to Linville falls, and play time in the Toe River. The final adventure of the week was a zipline tour for Ben & Sam with friends Tom & Will Harvey.

Sunday, July 01, 2012


In honor of Gigi's birthday.

From the UUCA order of service: The flowers today are given in honor of Adelle Fleming on what would have been her 95th birthday from grandchildren Ben & Mame and great-grandsons Sam, Ford & Jack.

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