Saturday, December 19, 2009


Saturday's snow

Woke up this morning to quite the sight. Asheville airport recorded ten inches.

We had a bit of an adventure yesterday when the power went out. In order to protect the breast milk supply in the freezer, I trekked out to Lowe's for a generator. The roads were very ugly, thankfully the Pathfinder has 4 wheel drive. Generator secured the next challenge was finding an open gas station. I did and by the time I crept home and got inside the power came back on. So we were all warm and cozy.

Smokey says 8 inches in our front yard this morning.


A quiet night in the neighborhood

Friday, December 18, 2009


Still coming down

The back yard about 1:30.

and about an hour later...and it's still coming down thick.


All weather babies

Yep, they're in there.Warm and snug. Our Canadian built stroller lived up to its origins this morning when we went out to find neighbors for snow play. Since then it has continued to fall and we may end up with somewhere between 10-14 inches. Stay tuned.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009


Extreme teething

The babies are working on 4 new teeth - apiece. All eight are on the top. Coupled with a head cold that has been shared around the family we had a few less than restful nights. The good news is that the cold is passing and the sleep pattern has been reestablished. Ford and Jack saw the pediatrician Tuesday for their latest check up and all systems are go. They are now in the 16 lb. range and over 26 inches long.

At the top of their Christmas list (for any grandparents needing a last minute idea) - the Twoddler. It's the perfect gift for children of the 21st century.

Sunday, December 06, 2009


In the spirit

Tuesday, December 01, 2009


The tree hunter

 The tree hunter set out on Sunday in search of the ideal Christmas tree. The setting - Sandy Hollar Farms. Here he's on the prowl with mom.

Bringing in his prize.

Back home after a successful hunt. Let the tree trimming begin.


The Sunday Sudoku Team

Jack is the brains of this operation.

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