Friday, July 17, 2009


The yin and yang of 10 week old twins

(Ford's at top)

Wednesday, July 15, 2009


Welcome home

The road warriors have returned from Wisconsin. They had a great time but are all very happy to be back in NC.

Sam was excited to see his brothers, check the progress of the garden and catch a jar full of 'bug lites' all before going to bed.

Sunday, July 12, 2009


Baby aerobics

Ford, right, and Jack get in their daily exercise.
(Entertainment is cheap around here.)


Take us out to the ballgame

Friday was Ford and Jack's first trip to McCormick Field home of the Asheville Tourists.


A boy (Ford) and his squash

Thursday, July 09, 2009


Postcards from the road

Thanks to the magic of wireless internet and digital cameras, we've received pictures from Sam's trip to Wisconsin while he's still there. It's been an action packed trip...

riding the ferry from Michigan to Wisconsin

minus the first of two teeth that have come out on the trip

Down on the Farm with Dandy

And art camp

We should also mention a stop to tour a submarine, a railroad museum, fun at the lake, kite flying, fireworks, teepee construction and a fishing excursion. We just hope that somewhere along the way he's gotten some sleep.

Saturday, July 04, 2009


The sweet and the sour

Since he's still off having a great time in Wisconsin, we're taking a moment to consider life with our six year old.

Before departing he took some time to put name tags on his stuffed animals - and then borrowed the camera to make their portraits.

Then one afternoon in the midst of a foul mood he disappeared into his room for several minutes before reappearing with this sign taped to his shirt. (Translation of his phonetics - Do not ask me anything.) Later as his mood improved the sign got more elaborate with a choice to 'press 5' if you want to ask me anything.

We miss you Sam.

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