Monday, February 25, 2008


5.5 years and counting

Being an August baby, we celebrated Sam's half-birthday last Friday with his classmates.

He got to do five and half trips around the sun...

and shared Funfetti cupcakes with his friends.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008


One Hundred Day

Monday, February 11, was the 100th day of school for Sam and his classmates. To mark the occasion each child made a poster with 100 items glued to it. Sam chose to do hearts. He started Thursday afternoon as soon as he go the assignment but we weren't able to finish. The very next morning he went right back to work (that explains the pajamas).

The kids also made t-shirts each with one hundred thumb prints and 100 day headbands. Once everyone was all decked out in their one hundred day gear, we all went outside and they lined up in groups to make the number 100 and Sue, Heartwood's director, took their picture from on top of the roof. Back inside the celebratory snack was one pretzel rod, one chocolate mini-donut and one powdered mini-donut.

Saturday, February 16, 2008


a friend at the zoo

Who knew racing an otter (he dubbed Zippy) could be so fun?

Tuesday, February 12, 2008


Happy Birthday Mame

Last Saturday was Mame's birthday. Unfortunately, she had to spend it in a hotel in Greensboro attending a weekend-long course to begin preparing for her national board certification test.

Sam and I took the opportunity to spend the day at the NC Zoo just south of Greensboro and then drove up for dinner with the birthday girl. We had a great time at the zoo. Sam enjoyed seeing the ostrich and climbing on the bug-themed play ground.

If you're ever in the neighborhood of the zoo, it is worth the visit. They boast the nation's largest walk through park - with over 5 miles of trails.

Here's Sam taking a break from exploring at our picnic spot.

Friday, February 08, 2008


another small step

Today's little milestone...Sam rode his own bike to/from school. I followed along, of course, but he did a great job of being vigilant at driveways and careful at the big intersections. He was quite proud to roll into the Heartwood parking lot to the impressed smile of Ms. Vickie, the morning greeter. Credit goes to Grandpa Glenn who made some significant bike forays over the New Years visit in some rather chilly weather.

Thursday, February 07, 2008


Domino dude

Last weekend Sam & I hit the road for Mt. Pleasant for a visit with Aunt Reba. She came east for a visit and to make the trip home with Gigi, who was itching to get back to her own turf.

We had fun playing dominoes - Sam took on Gigi and Reba...

and Grandpa Glenn...

and then designated himself scorekeeper for another game I played with Gigi.

Uncle Jake also came to town and we enjoyed some balmy weather and got outside for bike riding and beach combing.

Mame was working dutifully Saturday at the hospital and getting geared up to start her heart rotation.

Friday, February 01, 2008


The roving uncle

Uncle Jake came for a visit over the MLK holiday weekend, and made it in ahead of a little snow flurry. We had a good time visiting, playing in the snow and exploring the outdoor art installations in the park around the NC Museum of Art. He also introduced us to a hidden Ethiopian restaurant he had discovered on a previous visit.

The following weekend I was out of commission with a cold bug and Mame and Sam enjoyed staying warm and watching some movies. This weekend Sam & I are headed to Mt. Pleasant to visit with Gigi and Aunt Reba before they make the return trip to Colorado. Mame has started her much anticipated heart rotation and will be hard at work on Saturday.

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