Wednesday, June 28, 2006


the BIG, BIG trip - - - day 1

We're off! The BIG, BIG trip is underway. We departed Tallahassee mid-morning today and have made it safely to Bunk's room at the Candlewood Suites in Birmingham. Mame is officially no longer and employee of Tallahassee Memorial Hospital. Sam is ready for some road warrior action. The family fan is packed with camping gear and bikes. Tomorrow we're headed for Mammoth Cave National Park for two nights camping before the big drive to Wisconsin.


Prepping the van for the trip - Sam helped Dad add a shelf to the back so we can squeeze in all our stuff.

Sunday, June 25, 2006


Farewell CVS/TMH

Mame's work buddies from the cardiovascular/surgical ICU at TMH hosted a farewell party this past Friday to send her off in style to nurse anesthesia school.

Special thanks to our hosts - Gerard and Barb. They have a terrific outdoor set-up with a pool, grill and all the amenities. Sam only got out of the pool long enough to eat a slice of cake. The best part for him was that he could stand on his tippy-toes in the shallow end.


Thanks to Geoff for organizing the lab coat gift. (Is that a gang sign Mame's flashing???)


our host 'Don Gerardo' (a.k.a. Kenny Chesney)

Friday, June 23, 2006


Adios T.I.P.

Today is Sam's last day at Temple Israel Preschool. One of the highlights of the summer camp session is the water play portion of the morning with the construction of a 'river'. We had to witness it in person, so Mame and I put on our suits and helped with the digging.

Saturday, June 10, 2006


Family time on Sullivan's Island

After a successful house hunting trip to Cary, we took a short break in Mt. Pleasant for some World Cup viewing and an afternoon at the beach complete with a picnic and watermelon. Thanks to Uncle Jake for making the trip down from Greenville and to Grandma and Grandpa for the hospitality.


diggin with Uncle Jake


our new Cary digs

Success! Mame and I rolled into Raleigh Thursday noon-ish and found a place to rent later that evening on Park Street. We met with the owner on Friday morning and signed the paperwork. The best part is that the house is only about 3 blocks from Sam's new school - Heartwood Montessori.
We found it after looking at some other properties on the same street. We were driving along, saw the sign and someone in the yard. We stopped to ask if he was the owner. Turned out he was the tenant on the way out. But he was very friendly and showed us around inside.

Now we can cross a big item off our list! Plus, we now have three bedrooms - so we've got space for visitors.

the backyard


scraper man

Saturday, June 03, 2006



one year ago...

summer fun in the rain

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